
Saturday, July 24, 2021




There are numerous compelling reasons to begin meditating on a regular basis. It's a simple practise that has been used to improve overall health for thousands of years, and the results speak for themselves.

Meditating has been demonstrated to benefit both physical and mental health (lowering blood pressure, reducing headaches, boosting the immune system, and increasing energy levels) (emotional stability, reduced stress, increased creativity, mental clarity).

Taking just a few minutes a day to meditate can be enough to start reaping the rewards. Have you ever tried meditation? Here are five suggestions for newcomers!

Beginner's Guide to Meditation: 10 Points to Consider

1Begin smal:

Set a two-minute timer for yourself. There are just two of them! This may appear to be an easy task, but it is an excellent way to begin started. Increase your practise time by two minutes after a week of two-minute daily practise. You'll soon be able to meditate for 10 minutes every day without difficulty!

2.Consider using a meditation app:

For individuals who are new to meditation, there are free applications available to download that provide guided meditation. Headspace is a free app that has received a lot of positive feedback. They even have scientific evidence to support the value of meditation!

3.Choose the appropriate time:

It's a good idea to meditate first thing in the morning or right before going to bed. It will ensure that you don't lose track of time throughout the day, as well as providing you with either a calm start or a serene mind shortly before bedtime.

4.Locate a suitable place:

It doesn't have to be completely silent, but finding a place that makes you feel calm and relaxed will help you focus on your practise. It could be in your bedroom with the door shut or in a park where you can get some fresh air.

5.Place yourself in a comfortable position:

You don't have to sit with your back straight and hard like a yogi or fold yourself up like a yogi. Sit in any position that makes you most comfortable, including on your back. The goal is to find a comfortable position in which to relax without falling asleep!

6.Don't be concerned if you make a mistake:

At first, you might believe that there are certain techniques to meditate that are correct and others that are incorrect. This is absolutely not the case! There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Concentrate on your enjoyment rather than your correctness.

7.Count your inhalations and exhalations:

One of the simplest methods to keep your attention present is to do this. Inhale slowly and count to one as you take the first deep breath into your lungs. Count two as you exhale, then repeat to the count of 10 before starting over at one.

8.Accept that your thoughts will wander and that you will return to the present moment:

Meditation is all about clearing your thoughts and being present in the moment. For a long time, this might be difficult to maintain, and the mind will inevitably wander. When you sense your mind wandering, simply begin counting breaths again and consciously bring it back to the present moment.


9.Be nice and forgiving:

Remember that not every meditation session will be perfect. It's okay if you have problems adjusting the first few times you try. It is more important to continue practising because it will become easier with time. If you're frustrated, let it out with love and forgiveness before moving forward.

10.Be grateful and happy:

Think on everything you're grateful for in your life and reflect on how you spent those two minutes after you've finished your practise. Smile because you've taken a significant step toward a less stressful and happier existence!

Have you ever tried meditation before? What has made it easier for you to incorporate meditation into your daily routine?

Read more:

Thank you

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